Alexandre Le Boulch
Mr. Le Boulch is an engineer in geology (UniLaSalle, France 2021), with a professional master’s degree in mineral exploration (UQAC, 2021). He joined the Laurentia Exploration team in the summer of 2021 where he worked on the Newmetal (Normétal, Abitibi), Belvais (West Abitibi) and Nuvau Minerals (Matagami) projects, mainly related to volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization.
His passion for geology and mining exploration led him to invest, in parallel to his studies, in international competitions and notably the Next Generation Explorer Award where his team reached the finals in 2021 and 2022.
His skills in geomatics and computer science contribute to make him a versatile element, always looking for innovation for the projects he is involved in.